Headspace Health

Research shows meditation can have benefits in as little as only one session, however the psychological and physiological benefits are substantially greater for those who continue to meditate as part of a longer-term practice. To better support Headspace members in living healthier and happier lives, I co-led the development of a series of guided programs (i.e., interventions) for new members, pulling from both science and evidence gathered over weeks of experimentation.


The Managing Stress Program

To support our top member need related to stress, our cross-functional team designed, developed, and launched Headspace’s first evidence-based guided program targeting stress reduction.

This unique program format significantly increased member engagement, and in four weeks significantly improved member outcomes including reductions in perceived stress (PSS), improvements in stress recovery (HRV), and improvements in sleep quality (PSQI) (published in JMIR mHealth and uHealth).


Mindful Money Collection

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), money is the top cause of stress in the United States. It is not uncommon for money woes to adversely impact sleep and concentration, and in some cases even increase the risk of depression and anxiety.

The Mindful Money collection contains a series of evidence-based interventions rooted in financial literacy and mindfulness that target known barriers to financial wellbeing. Mindfulness and increasing awareness can help people save more and spend less by increasing their awareness around things like impulse shopping, noticing what they buy, and acknowledging the feelings that drive those purchases. Being mindful of financial decisions in this way can help a person stick to a budget and be less stressed.